Did you know the human attention span is 6-8 seconds?
That means your website has a lot of work to do in a short amount of time!
I provide high quality, native English content for an affordable price. As a new business owner you cannot afford cheap, low quality content.
Luckily, that is no longer a concern of yours, it is MY concern.
In those first crucial moments, your website, blog post or product description must answer the following:
What is it?
Your content must effectively communicate immediately what you want your visitors to know.
Am I interested?
Have you piqued their interest?
What should I do?
CTA....call to action. How do they buy, where do they buy and why MUST they buy from you.
My job isn't just about writing content. It's about researching, brainstorming and researching some more. The end-goal? Creating the kind of brand awareness my clients deserve with killer Copywriting!
Message me for a free consultation to get started. We can see if we are the right fit to work together. You will also need to complete my detailed questionnaire before the order can begin. Look forward to hearing from you!