2x350 Words Article/ Content By Level X Writer

A Service By: Level X Writer.
Certainly, we all know- ‘Content is King’! If your website or blog won't have better quality content, or you copy-pasted article from another website, there is no way your website can have SEO or rank in Google or other search engines.
With this in mind, I am offering my writing service named- “350 words Article/ Content Writing Service”. It is a subscription-based service that is suitable for a blogging website or others who need Plagiarism-free articles regularly.
You will get two 350 words article in every 7 days.Copyright-free 2/3 images that you can use for commercially, will be added with the articles, based on the subject or topic of the content! You don’t have any issues with publishing them on your website. For $5 it's a win-win for all!
What do you need when you are buying this service?
You need to provide me the topic or 1 or 2 keywords per article. Although normally, keyword based article will cost more, for this service of mine, everything is even.
PS: This is a subscription based service. Though, you will get 2x350 words article in every 7 days, but I always try to deliver the two articles within 4/5 days, thus you can have time for publishing.
For anything or if you have any questions, you can always message me.
Thank you.