
Social Media: Is It Good for Promotion? (The Answer Is Yes!)

Social Media: Is It Good for Promotion? (The Answer Is Yes!)

If you are a business owner that is not optimizing the power of social media for promotions, you are missing out on a lot of financial opportunities.

Social media is quickly advancing to becoming one of the most important components of digital marketing. It is an easier way to increase engagement with your audience, connect with your customers, and spread awareness about your business.

Considering there are over 3.8 billion social media users in the world, there is no shortage of people in the world to promote your brand.

The only problem is, how can you optimize social media for your promotions so that it works out for your best interest? Knowing the answers can help you to utilize social media to its fullest potential.

Thankfully, we have those answers for you. Keep on reading to learn more about social media and its powerful effects on promotions. 

Let's get started! 

Provides Top-Notch Customer Service

Many businesses use social media as a vessel to connect with their customers. There are many requests that come in every day including inquiries, complaints, and compliments that it can get hard to stay on top of. 

This is a great way to quickly connect with their inquiries and support them in a public way so other potential customers can see your excellent customer service as well.

Almost 50% of customers use social media to interact with a business that they are interested in purchasing from or have already purchased from.

Create Brand Recognition

The more recognition your brand has, the more that people will begin to trust you. The more that they trust you, the more loyal customers you will have.

Eventually, these loyal customers become superfans and spread the word about your brand, convincing their friends and acquaintances to purchase from you too. 

Approximately 84% of US adults are loyal to a specific brand and spend about 12-18% more because of trust and support. 

The more that people have a chance to find and follow you on social media, the more of a chance that they would choose you over your competition.

Tell the Story of Your Brand

The more stories you tell about your brand, the more you humanize your brand. The more humanized or personal your brand is, the more potential customers will find you relatable. 

Sharing your brand's mission from your heart is a great way to pull on the heartstrings of your audience and convince them to purchase your products or services.

You can also share stories of people who have purchased from your brand and explain, in their words, how your business has made their life easier. After all, social proof always helps to skyrocket your business.

Initiate Conversations About Your Business Niche

A great way to spread awareness about your brand is to involve yourself in conversations that are related to your brand's niche. 

For example, if you are in the fitness industry, you would locate the top trending hashtags, comment on those photos, and start commenting and connecting in the related chat threads.  

This is also known as social listening, which will help you to identify the pain points and needs of your target audience. Listen to what your target audience is complaining about and create posts that explain how your brand solves their questions and problems.

You can even comment and like the photos of a competitive brand in your niche, in order to show support and camaraderie within your industry. 

Share Links to Promotions on Your Website

Sales funnels definitely play a major role in the overall success of your promotions. However, to get them to the point of seeing the funnel takes some extra work.

Considering that 3.46 billion active social media users are primarily mobile, you have to be able to catch them when they are most online. 

Because of this, creating ads and promotions on social media that link back to your website is much more likely to close that sale. 

For example, let's say that you created a very informative article on your website in relation to your promotion. People who resonate with your article are more likely to share it on social media, creating exponential growth, brand awareness, and sales opportunities for you.

Use Social Media to Retarget Ads

Without any knowledge of your brand, most of your new visitors are extremely unlikely to purchase right away. This is where the importance of brand recognition comes in.

Thankfully, due to cookies, that person will have left a browser breadcrumb for you to trail back and find them and target them in an ad. This is called ad retargeting. 

A great way to get past this hump is to retarget ads using social media advertising. You can connect your visitors and become that little birdy in their ear to teach them more about your brand.

Be careful not to sound too pushy and annoy your visitors, a gentle reminder works best. 

Show Your Authenticity

Let's face it, there are many business owners who are pretty scammy and only really care about receiving the customer's money. 

This really only works for a one-time payment, because afterward, the customer is left feeling unimportant and like a number in the system.

By showing your authenticity through posting photos, videos, and stories about your satisfied customers, you are creating more trust with those who could potentially buy from you as well.

Learn More About the Benefits of Social Media For Promotions

There you have it! Social media is a powerful tool to help you spread awareness about your promotions. 

Knowing these tips could make the difference between a successful promotion and an average one.

If you would like to learn more about how to boost your promotion success by using social media, check out more articles relating to social media advertising on our website! 

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