~1500 translated words revised and quality approved.
All translation editing cost USD 30 per hour (750 words), non-negotiable,
and follow a mentally exhaustive comparative revision process learned at
the university level performed in two passes:
Pass 1: Comparative Revision
1. Assessment
- Your source document is assessed to understand the document in depth.
2. Transference
- Your source document is compared to the original to ensure proper semantic transference .
3. Interference
- The documents are again compared with any semantic interference being corrected.
4. Comparative Proofreading
- Your documents are checked for mistakes caused during the transference process such as gallicisms, typography, etc.
Pass 2: Unilingual Revision
1. Copy Editing
- Your document is revised in English for errors in grammar, tense, orthography, inconsistency, etc.
2. Structural Editing
- Your document's structure is revised.