
Translate & Subtitle 90 minute English film to Amharic for $50

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Translate & Subtitle 90 minute English film to Amharic

Creating video subtitles is hard work but important. Subtitles expand your audience due to the meaningful experience they will have. Translating the audio and aligning the text with the audio (Timing) takes significant time and effort. I can offer you professional translation & highly accurate subtitling services with speed. I have a company based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, dedicated to making educational & entertaining videos accessible to Ethiopians via translation and subtitling. The company is called Bete Subtitle & Translation Services (

Why Our Service is Important
- Ethiopian audience will have a deeper experience more than ever while watching a foreign movie with translated subtitles.
- Translated Subtitles will maintain the purity of the original language while transferring meaning into Amharic and boosting the reading skill of the viewer.
- Subtitles make videos accessible for millions of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ethiopians.

100% or better for text and timing.
English, Amharic, Afaan Oromo, Tigrigna,
48 hours or less for videos under 90 minutes.
*Video length
No minimum or maximum length.



Ethiopia Amharic Translation Subtitles Language


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$50 - In stock