Powerful Niche Relevant Wiki Backlinks
The fact is, Wiki has a lot of potential value for a site,
but only if you go about it the right way. Links may not give you link juice,
but they give you positioning and authority in terms of being a cited source on a wiki article/file.
Now, one of the more common techniques for getting your site on Wiki is to make
your own wiki page/file. If you make a well-cited or source, informative page/file about your company,
and other information, you might be able to get it to stick.
The Benefits of Creating Wiki Backlinks
Wiki is right up there with Facebook, YouTube and Mos. in terms of authoritativeness.
It’s one of Google’s favorite sites because it’s so universally used and trusted.
So, it’s the ideal link source to boost your digital marketing and online presence.
If you could get a backlink on a site this authoritative, your SEO will soar.
Since so many people use and trust Wiki for their research,
the SEO metrics are through the roof on this website!
Just look at the SEO metrics that the order for Wiki:
Domain Authority: 100+
Page Authority : 97+
Trust Flow : 95+