
I will provide you fresh & verified leads for your business for $22

100% (29)

I will provide you fresh & verified leads for your business

Do you want to spread your product or service among people within a very short time?
You have landed in the right place.
This Lead Generation, B2B LinkedIn Lead, Targeted Business Lead, and email collection list is built from your business's organic traffic, item deals, and other advertising purposes. For all listed emails you can use any email sending platform. Examples are Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Getresponse, etc. Because all B2B leads are unique, verified, and clean, for your email marketing, and help to grow your business.

My B2B services:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email address
  • Country Name
  • Address
  • City Name
  • State Name
  • Zip code
  • Domain name (
  • Full Excel sheet Work report
Why you choose me:
  • No Invalid lead
  • Speedy Delivery
  • Very Cheap Price
  • 100% Satisfaction
  • 24/7 Hours Support
  • Customer service
I am always ready for client satisfaction because your satisfaction is my passion. Best regards, Dilruba

Thank you very much.

What's included

Internet Research


lead generation b2b collect email b2c virtual assistant emails list usa


0 reviews

Rating breakdown

100k USA fresh & verified leads 1 days $40
1500k USA fresh & verified leads 1 days $60
200k USA fresh & verified leads 1 days $75

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$22 - In stock