Real human Traffic are coming from real websites; the traffic is delivered by some high traffic sites, forums and ad networks, in this way: the sites are redirecting a part of their visitors to your site, using some forced redirect methods.
✔ no bot, no proxies, no jingling, no PTC, no surf traffic
✔ 100% adsense safe
✔ unique visitors only Bounce Rate 15%
✔ traffic from around the world 80% from USA
✔ Google analytic tractable traffic
No Websites That Contain or Promote Anything Illegal
No Shortened URLs
No Direct Download URLs
No Websites That Contain Automatic Sound(This includes videos such as YouTube)
No Websites That Contain Popups(This includes the kind of popup commonly found on landing pages where it shows upon trying to leave the website)
No Websites Frame Breaking Code
No Facebook URLs(Facebook contains frame breaking code)
No Instagram URLs(Facebook contains frame breaking code)
✔ every type of websites that don't complain with my rules showed above, including:
✔ websites with adult content
✔ gambling sites
✔ websites that contain or promote anything illegal
✔ and every other type of websites that usually are not accepted in traffic delivery services.