Impression or Reach promotion social network profile verified by doing SEO
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With so many social networks on the scene and even more metrics to keep track of, it can be difficult to make sense of your data. One thing
we know for sure: you should be investing in Instagram and Instagram
Stories strategies. Not convinced?
It provides the perfect platform for you to share a variety of photo or video content and interact with your audience in new ways:
- Over 40 billion photos and videos have been shared on the lg platform since its conception
- More than 800 million monthly active users
- More than 80% of users live outside the United States
- In the last month, over 50% of businesses on Instagram produced an Inst profile Story
- One in five organic Stories from businesses gets a direct message
- As of November 1, 2o17,Inst Stories has 300 million daily active users – up from 250 million in June
- More than half of Inst 500 million daily active users are on Stories.
In this post, we break down the primary metrics you need to know so you can go forth and analyze with confidence.
Inst Definition
Reach: The number of unique users that saw your post or story on any given day.Unless you’re putting
some serious spend behind your Inst posts,
you probably won’t have every single one of your foIIowers see your
content. And even with some serious spend, it’s unlikely that you’ll
reach all of your folIowers. That’s why reach is important. Reach tells
you how many unique users are served your content every day. Try to
maximize this metric to increase brand awareness.

Impressions: The number of times your content, whether a post or a story, was shown to users.
While commonly confused with reach, impressions are the total number of times your content could have been seen. If your impressions are
higher than your reach, it’s a sign that your audience is viewing your
content multiple times. Look for posts with a high impressions-to-reach
ratio for an indicator of what’s performing well.
Engagement Rate: This is your post engagement divided by post impressions.

Engagement rate is a must-track metric for social marketers. Engagement rate is an indicator of how engaged the users who saw your posts were.
Break down your engagement rate by media type to understand if your audience is more likely to engage with photo posts, video posts, or carousel posts.
Over time, engagement rate can tell you how one campaign or messaging strategy performs vs. another campaign or messaging strategy.
It’s a great metric to track as you test new approaches.Inst Stories–Specific Metrics Inst Stories have been a great addition to the social marketers’ arsenal of content weapons.
This relatively new feature packs a different set of ways to engage, which we at Simply Measured have dubbed
“story interactions.”

Taps Backward: The number of times your audience tapped back to go to a previous story.
This may mean that your content was engaging enough that the user wanted to see it again. However, it could also be a sign that any copy
you’ve included in your story is too long to read in the time given.
Look through stories with a large number of taps back to ensure there’s
not too much copy.
Taps Forward: The number of times your audience tapped forward to go to the next story.
This can be an indicator of your story not resonating with your audience or being too lengthy, if it’s a video. Review the stories with
the most number of taps forward to identify common themes, like length,
copy, or content.
Replies: The number of times a user swipes up on a story and replies to you.
Replies can be a goldmine! Users who reply to stories may be passionate about your brand and have great feedback to share. Replies
will begin a PM conversation between you and the user, so it’s a great
time to engage with your audience.
Exits: The number of times a user swipes down to exit out of story mode and go back to the previous screen.
An exit means a user has decided not to make it all the way through your Stories. You’ll want to keep this number low.
What are your the top Instagram metrics you follow for your content strategy? What unique insights have you gained? Let us know your
thoughts in the comments.
Benefits: Impression or Reach promotion helps your get your profile verified by social network sites authorities.
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