
SEO Audit, Keywords and Competitors Analysis for $7

Level 1
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SEO Audit, Keywords and Competitors Analysis

A proper optimization of any website is the key of rank higher in the search engine. There are some necessary SEO parameters a website should have for high rankings. If your website not getting high ranking and traffic or not available in the search indexes then it can have the following issues:

→ Design issues
→ Crawling and indexing errors
→ Penalized by Google
→ Content Duplicacy
→ Nofollow index
→ On Page issues

I will do the complete analysis of your website find the issues and provide you the solution for them. My Seo audit report will definitely help you to get high ranking, traffic, leads, a good return on investment and grow your business with the internet marketing.

What will I do for your website?

(1) Website Design Analysis

=> Website URLs (Format, length etc.)
=> Mobile resposiveness
=> Internal Architecture of the Website
=> W3C and CSS markup validations
=> Speed Test
=> Custom Error 404 Page

(2) On Page SEO Optimization

=> Meta Titles
=> Meta Description
=> Sitemaps Availability
=> Robots.txt
=> Nofollow Indexing
=> Images Alt Tags
=> H1 Tags
=> Internal Linking
=> Content Optimization
=> Keyword Density
=> Text to HTML Ratio
=> Canonical issues
=> Redirections
=> Crawling and indexing status

(3) SEO Tools Analysis

=> Google Webmaster Set up
=> Bing Webmaster Set up
=> Google Analytics Set up

(4) Social Medi Configuration

=> Facebook Page Availability
=> Twitter Profile Checking
=> Linkedin Profile
=> Pinterest Profile
=> Google+
=> Instagram

(5) Backlink Audit

=> Analysis of backlinks coming to your website

(6) Additional

=> Competitor Analysis
=> Keyword Analysis

(7) Complete Assessment Report

=> Recommendations and changes required after analysis
=> On Page Status Report

Feel free to contact me anytime if you have any query. I will be happy to assist you...


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