Provide the following services:
Spring MVC
Spring Security
Web Desigining
Angular js
Projects :
Event Application authentication using LinkedIn
• A web application developed in JAVA, which enables the administrator to create an event page (customizable UI) in which only people from the specified colleges are allowed to participate.
• When the admin creates the event page, the user can participate in it using OAuth via LinkedIn.
• If the linkedin profile of the user contains the school, which is specified by the admin during the creation of the event, then the user is allowed to participate into it, otherwise not.
Data Transferring through sound (inaudible)
• An app that allows user to send and receive data via sound. There is no need of any external network connection such as WIFI or LAN.
• The application is generic for both the desktop and mobile. Any of the devices can send and receive data.
• When we change an image on the mobile device, the image automatically gets changed on the desktop.
• A feature of chatting is also embedded in the application. Within a certain distance the user can type and send a message to all the devices that are in range and the message will be delivered.
• The application produces the sound of frequency of around 20KHz, which is not audible to a human ear.