★★★ Skyrocket your website rankings in Google with this Top notch SEO campaign ★★★
Linkbuilding service
How it works?
1.Once order is placed, send me
- 1 url and 1 Keyword
2. The keyword sent to me will be examined for its potential in Google Page Rank/Positioning
3. If the given keyword does not carry potential to rank well, a quick keyword research will be done; complimentary.
What will be done in the campaign?
30 Social network Links
40 High PR Web 2.0 Links
3 PDF Links
Done in all Tried and Tested sites after each Google update to make sure it is 100% safe and working!
When will I begin to see changes in my Google PR?
Old sites (built at least 8 months ago) it takes 2-3 months
New sites (built in last 8 months) it takes about 3-5 months