Go with Quality, not Quantity,
If you are looking for High-Quality Manually Created Backlinks at an affordable price, then you are in right place. 100% Manually created Backlinks as Google Panda, Penguin & Hummingbird Safe.
If you would like to purchase safe backlinks from TOP authority domains and rank your website TOP in Google, then I'm here to help you out. I will build manually 100+ Forum, Web 2.0, Edu/Gov Profile & Social Backlinks from unique and different PR9-PR5 authority Dofollow Forum domains.
Edu Harvard.edu(PR8), Getsatisfaction.com forum(PR7), Dell.com forum(PR8), Apache.org forum(PR9), Wordpress.org forum(PR9), Mozilla.org forum(PR9), maprecord.com/forum, etc will add great credibility and trust to your website. A safe mix of do-follow and no-follow, contextual and relevant, anchored and non-anchored.
You can use this gig for the website, YouTube video, Facebook page, Twitter Page, and Pinterest page, or anything you can link to. I accept any kind of language or characters website. BUT NO ADULT, please!
What I Need To Start Order
1. URL (One URL)
2. Up to 10 Keywords
3. Small description about your website (Less than 300 words)