
Casino/Gambling Guest post on roulette game informational website blog for $45

Level 1
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Casino/Gambling Guest post on roulette game informational website blog

Content marketing is king and it's extremely difficult to find high quality do-follow gambling links and related content.

This offer is specific for roulette content (please see our additional ads for other gambling games)

This offer is for publishing a unique article that you will provide of up to 1000 words on a top level .com roulette rules, odds, payout and strategy website of top aesthetic quality - FOREVER - you post/image/links will never be removed and the site will only get better over time as more quality content, seo and non spammy whitehat inbound links are built.

Including 1 image that will also be linked to your site and tagged with your SEO keywords (12 words max)

Including one anchor text link of your choice (3 words max)

Additionally in the extras we can write the article for you (unique 600 words, roulette related)

Casino operators/Casino reviews are accepted, however your article must be about roulette. Example: Live Dealer roulette review at *

There are 2 different roulette websites to choose from and a custom order can land you a discount for multiple orders!

What's included

Front Page Post


casino gambling marketing seo roulette links


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Additional text link in article (3 keywords max) 1 days $10
Write the unique 600 word article for you 1 days $25

Other services by CasinoMarketing

$45 - In stock

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