------ Before ordering this service please contact us and disclose the site/niche you want to use it for, so we can check and see if your request is possible. As a general rule, we don‘t allow adult, gambling, pharmacy.
We have access to 300+ premium websites for outreach. Please feel free to ask about our options.
**BEST PRICE ON Seoclerk for **
It is a powerful Tech website with lots of traffic and metrics as follows:
Domain Authority (DA): 50
Page Authority (PA): 38
Ahrefs Domain Ranking(DR): 59
Ahrefs Traffic: 110K
Here are some key features of this service:
- 1 original 1000-words article based on your subject and keywords[Select extra]
- Researched, SEO-friendly and reader-friendly content
- You can review the article before it is posted. If needed, we can make unlimited changes until you are fully satisfied with the writing style.
- We can include 1 DO FOLLOW backlink to your website
- We also include other high authority outgoing links for credibility.
- Each article is written based on keywords that are relevant for your website. We can use general and/or branded keywords and link them to the homepage or separate website pages.
- Each post will include relevant pictures and headings.
- You will receive the exact link where the post is up and running.
- Delivery time – 5 days
Don't miss the opportunity!