DearAwesome Buyers Thanks for viewing my gig This gig includes somecore features. Unlimited Revisions SatisfactionGuaranteed Superfast Delivery Money-BackGuarantee ( if you are not satisfied with my work) FTP SERVER AVAILABLE Do you need backgroundremoval or clipping path? You are in the perfect place here, I will remove the
background from 10 photos within 6 hours, 15 photos within 12 hours.200 photos
within 24 hours. you will get here extra care of your images and super fast
delivery This gig offers foryou Clipping path/ photo background removal White Background Transparent BackgroundAdding New Background in an Existing photograph Image ResizingI will do my best foryour project ThanksRakibul MunimCut Out Expert Note: For jewelry, net image, cycle image,tree, please contact me before sending the order.