
Logo Design and creative design for $40

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Logo Design and creative design

A brand’s identity is a combination of visual, auditory, and other sensory components that create recognition, aid in memory encoding and decoding, represent the brand promise, provide differentiation, create communications synergy, and are proprietary. The logo is one key component. Here is what Brainsoft software looks for when others evaluate
Brainsoft's logo design:

Memorable – highest recognition and recall (both of which can be tested for)

  • Including recognition at maximum distances (can be tested for)
  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Timeless quality – the logo will not become dated
  • Appropriate for the product/service category
  • Has “breakthrough” quality, that is, it stands out in the midst of other logos(can be tested for)
  • Reinforces the brand name or tagline or both (can be tested for)
  • Evokes positive emotions (can be tested for)
  • Has positive brand associations (can be tested for)
  • The icon does not evoke negative or unintended associations among the target audiences (can be tested for)
  • Fits in the spaces in which it will most likely appear – as the most advantageous (vertical/horizontal) orientation
    1. Including, is recognizable in small (e.g. business card) spaces
    2. A version of it looks good in black and white
    3. Works well with sub-brand or endorsed brand identities
Choosing a new logo should not be taken lightly and it is not a job for amateurs. Higher profile brands can expect debates, more debates, rejection and failure from less than optimal designs. Keep in mind as you move through this process, successful brand identity development and change begin from within.


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