We will provide you with enough sales to get into the Mexico iTunes Albums Top 200 in your selected genre for $50 with optional Top 10 entry for $50 additional. These prices are per day since iTunes updates hourly so we will generate sales during the 24 hours after purchase to ensure you stay on the charts for at least 24 hours.
We can also get you into the songs Top 100 in your genre in Mexico for an additional $100 ($150 total), again per day.
Notes on Albums:
Before you buy our services, please ensure that your release isn't marked as "Single", since that category disqualifies your track from the album charts. EP and Album are required.
The price is also based on it not costing more than 100 pesos, if it costs more than 100 pesos (about $5 USD), please let us know and we will send you a custom order.
We also offer this type of service in these countries : Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherland, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, & Switzerland. Prices are higher in these countries so please contact us for more details.